Bibliorganics Birthing Pool
Bibliorganics Birthing Pool

Bibliorganics Birthing Pool


2 in stock


Bibliorganics Birthing Pool was designed with the birthing mom in mind. It has been approved by midwives and doulas. The height, size and shape of this birthing pool make labor easier and more comfortable.

The pool has the following features:

  • Easy to inflate and fill up with water
  • Takes only 30 minutes to fill-up pool
  • 29.5 inches height makes for comfortable labor and waterbirthing
  • Pool wall enables mom to rest upper body during labor
  • Soft, cushioned pool floor supports mom’s back & buttocks
  • Transparent ring layers make it easy for birth attendants to monitor progress of labor and give good vantage point for pictures and videos
  • Can accommodate 2 adults or 3 kids
  •  Size L56xW41xH29.5 inches



Additional information

Weight 3 kg