Hot Sauce 6+1 Promo
Hot Sauce 6+1 Promo

Hot Sauce 6+1 Promo

Original price was: ₱945.00.Current price is: ₱662.00.


Buy six (6)  150 ML  bottles of  Bibliorganics Hot Sauce and get a  30% discount!

Plus get one (1) FREE  150 ML Bibliorganics Hot Sauce!

  • Naturally extracted & fermented
  • Aged for 1 year
  • No MSG
  • No artificial flavors or coloring

Bibliorganics Premium Hot Sauce come from fully-ripened chilli peppers which are aged and fermented for a year, giving it that extra kick and flavor. With no MSG, artificial ingredients, coloring or preservatives, it is a healthy habit you cannot do without in the kitchen or dining table. Chilli peppers contain numerous health benefiting compounds such as vitamin-C, vitamin-A, and flavonoid anti-oxidants.


Additional information

Weight 5 kg