Bibliorganics Premium Soy Sauce 700ml
Bibliorganics Premium Soy Sauce 700ml

Bibliorganics Premium Soy Sauce 700ml


964 in stock


  • Made from organic & non-GMO Soybeans
  • Naturally aged & fermented
  • No MSG. No artificial flavors or coloring.

Unike other soy sauce brands in the market, Bibliorganics Premium Soy Sauce is extracted from non-genetically modified soy beans. Our soy beans are naturally fermented. It contains no MSG, no artificially flavoring or coloring, making it one of the healthiest condiments in the market today. Recent studies suggest that naturally fermented soy sauce contains oligosaccharides which help support the growth of good bacteria in the gut, helping in digestion, nutrient absoption and prevention of major diseases.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 29 cm