- Organic & all-natural Ingredients
- Naturally aged & fermented
- Rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids & probiotics
Unlike other synthetic vinegars in the market, Bibliorganics Spicy Coconut Vinegar is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making it the perfect culinary condiment and health tonic. This natural vinegar is culled from the sap of the coconut tree whose roots extend deep into the earth, reaching seawater tables, absorbing more than 65 essential minerals from seawater. These nutrients are carried to all parts of the coconut through the sap, which is naturally aged and fermented to reach the desired acidity. The special blend of chili, garlic and ginger makes it even healthier and more delectable.
Bibliorganics Spicy Coconut Vinegar also contains FrutooligoSaccharides (FOS) which stimulate the production of beneficial bacteria that aids in digeston, nutrient absorption & prevention of major diseases It is also very low on the glycemic index, making it a suitable condiment for diabetics.